Monday, March 10, 2008

I Finally Got My Passions Fix!

I've been so bumbed since Passions moved to DirectTV. I was watching it during my lunch every day. I did okay for awhile without it but then I found someone on that was posting all the episodes. So of course for like a week straight I just watched Passions for hours and hours catching up on the three months that I had missed. Then one day, POOF, she's gone and so are all the Passions episodes. I figured that DirectTV must have made them pull the episodes.

Well, this afternoon I was looking for some background noise to put on while I was working and I thought I'd just do a quick search for Passions and see if there were any previews available. Much to my surprise, I hit the mother-load! There is a gal that is putting up only the Ethan and Theresa parts of the shows and really that's the only part that I am interested in. So for the whole afternoon and evening I watched all the episodes that she had up and I think I'm caught up now. I've seriously had like 5 hours of Passions and it was everything I thought it could be.

The only problem is that now I want more! She needs to upload last weeks episodes like right now. I know that DirectTV is canceling the show after the summer and that's so sad. I don't know what I'm going to do when it's really gone. But I must say that the writers they've got for the show or way better. Although, the plot line with Dr. Russell and Julienne and their son is pretty sick and I think the writers made a bad call on that one. But overall the plots are much more interesting and the show moves more quickly than it used to. I always hated how slow it was when it was on NBC.

I'm so happy I got my fix :)


Whitney said...

I used to watch Passions and Days of Our Lives! Haha, soaps can get so addicting!

I tagged you in my blog,
now it's your turn!

Niki Morris said...

I love passions!!!

Please send me the link!