I'm not going to share any stories to try to scare other women or sing songs about my battle wounds to et some kind of sympathy. I will tell you that I had a 12 hour labor, 3 of which were spent pushing. Noah did get stuck because he was turned sideways but a merciful God and a helpful hint from my first labor and delivery nurse allowed me to dodge the c-section bullet and Noah made it out just fine. Pushing was more intense than I thought it would be and I was completely exhausted but 2 days after giving birth it was all a distant memory and I was ready to do it all over again.
Isaac and I are adjusting to being proud parents and life is returning to our normal hectic schedule. Unfortunately my blog and etsy shop were temporary casualties of the birthing process, but I'm bringing them back to life starting today!

WELCOME back & is he stinkin' cute or what... but if you've read my blog at all, you know i have a love affair with Asian children! I adopted my daughter from China, the whole birth thing has scared me since 10th grade when they showed that movie of a birth... YIKES! He is LOVELY!! Enjoy every second!!!!!!
CONGRATULATIONS Amy and Issac! Welcome Noah! Oh my goodness he is adorable AMy! Glad to see you are back into the blogging world! Hope everything is going good and you are all adjusting to your precious new package from God! :)
Hugs~ Kim
Way to go Amy! Noah sure is cute.
Aaaack! What an adorable angel! Congrats!!!!
Congrats! Beautiful boy! Your story made think of some song lyrics.
"I counted your fingers and toes,
and looked at your beautiful face,
and before very long with a prayer and a song,
the aches and the pains went away."
thank you for sharing with us, i really like the way you show to us, nice work , keeping it up
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